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 一音の減衰には美しさがあり、ピアノの消えゆく音、オーケストラの絶えゆく噪音、コンサートホールのまとわりつくような残響など…そこに至るまでの音色を想像させながら、我々の内面をも喚起させる。 画家フランシス・ベーコンによる「私の絵は、カタツムリが足跡を残すように、人間がそれらの絵を行き来して、人間的存在や過去の記憶の痕跡を留めているように見えるものであってほしい。」この言葉も頭から離れない。 




(シェイクスピア 『リチャード二世』より)







—ロバート・ミルズ(クライマックス・ゴールデン・ツインズ) 2011年2月










The pioneering science fiction writer Ray Cummings wrote in 1922: “Time…is what keeps everything from happening at once.” From 1914 to 1919 Cummings was a secretary to Thomas Edison who, of course, invented the Phonograph and sound recording in 1877. 135 or so years later I am listening to the direct result of Edison’s invention–a CD by painter Marefumi Komura called End Loop–and thinking about time. 


If I understand correctly these pieces were made by looping the last dying note of various songs and musical works. “Because I am not a musician, this CD is just a simple idea.” Marefumi said to me. It is a simple idea but a good idea. 


Listening to this work is a wonderfully strange experience. Time becomes disassociated, there is no orientation, no conflict, no resolution; the effect is like a bug in amber, a trap, something that does not end, or rather gives the impression of not ending. The ends of these pieces are their beginnings (another quote from another heavy hitter, TS Eliot: “In my beginning is my end…in my end is my beginning,” from the poem “East Coker” which is part of the mystical Four Quartets, poems about man’s relationship to time and the divine). Music composition works by setting up its own internal logic. This logic is formalized through cultures over centuries. In other words, there are harmonic progressions, cadences, resolutions, time signatures, structures and so on to which our ears are accustomed. We follow the melody or wonder why there is no melody, we hear how the harmony works, the tempo, we wait for a part to change, we enjoy the lyrics, the guitar solo, the musicianship…the End Loop pieces strip away these conventions and we are left with only talismans for the original, longer pieces. Sounds out of context, floating, no beginning, no end. Their context is re-created in their repetition. And as listeners we float too, we are the bugs in amber, timeless. 


In a way the last note is the most important in a musical composition–everything leads up to it–but its import relies on what has gone before, which can now only be guessed at or imagined. Because these are sampled from other works, abstracted from them, there is a sense of drama, of intention, of continuity, of hidden layers–a feeling that a lot has gone on before and is informing the notes you are hearing repeat. But it is a back story we will never know. It is like looking at or being in an old worn building. 


The effect is not unlike experiencing Marefumi’s paintings. What is happening? How did they or we get here? What is happening to that face? That figure? What decisions did he make and why? Is there a story? A specific narrative? A beginning to this end? Probably not. Painting just is. It is not a story, though a story or many stories may be implied. It is not exactly a “moment in time”, like a photograph can be, though again that is implied. Painting takes time to create as well as to unfold to the viewer, yet in a way everything in painting is “happening at once.” It is all there instantly to the eye. These End Loops then, taken singly or together, could be a soundtrack for Marefumi’s paintings—intended to create time so that everything does not happen at once, a space in which to view and absorb the paintings, for their layers to manifest. Or perhaps the paintings give you something to look at while absorbing the sounds. No beginnings. No ends. No reference. They just are. 


There is a beauty in the decay of a sound; hints at what has gone before as we come back to ourselves after listening: the fading notes of a piano, the lingering rattle of an orchestra, an echo, the slime trail of reverb in a concert hall… I keep thinking about a Francis Bacon quote: “I would like my pictures to look as if a human being had passed between them, like a snail, leaving a trail of the human presence and memory trace of past events, as a snail leaves its slime.” 


One final quote because I seem to be full of them: 


Music do I hear? Ha ha! Keep time: how sour sweet music is, When time is broke and no proportion kept! So is it in the music of men’s lives. (Shakespeare, Richard II). 


“When time is broke and no proportion kept.” That about sums it up. 


When I write things of this nature, about music, sound or art, I often think: why bother?—-isn’t this all obvious? Why did I just work out and write out all this crap? You could just listen to the music and look at the paintings. Then you’d know. You might not know that you know, but you’d know. And that is maybe the best kind of knowing. 


—Robert Millis, Feburary, 2011

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